Anyone else have this kind of day? Of course you do! We all have those days where everything seems to be a struggle, when kiddos don’t seem to hear a word you’re saying, work feels extraordinarily difficult and you feel like you’re failing, and your shoe craps out on you. We grapple with stress of family, work, money, time, and anything else we can throw into our responsibility bucket. We all do it. We have the, "I want to stay in bed and do nothing with no one" days. We have the crying all the way home and maybe pick up a blizzard or anything that could easily take your mind off of what you're facing to pacify the feelings that are strangling us.
The important piece to this dilemma that wrecks havoc on all of us is learning how to empty your bucket. Having support of our peers and not comparing what we think we see in others gives us the energy we need to dump that bucket out. So start dumping! What do you do to dump? (I laughed at that too. I have three sons).